Maximizing the Value of Excess Land

Multifamily Market Report | Louisville, KY
Multifamily Market Overview Louisville, KY Increased demand paired with strong rent growth has attracted investor attention in Louisville. As a result of such strong demand, vacancy has fallen to a historic low of 5.5 percent, raising rent prices across the metro. The inventory for sale also remains low, pushing home prices to all-time highs and […]

Micro-Unit Apartments: The Smaller the Unit, the Higher the Return
High development costs, limited land availability, and increasing demand for multifamily units have led to increased rents and altered renter preferences. As consumers search for more accessible housing in major metros and cities look to address the affordable housing crisis, a new trend has emerged —micro-unit apartments. These tiny living quarters are getting the attention […]

Industrial Market Report | Fort Lauderdale, FL
Industrial Market Overview Fort Lauderdale, FL Despite the economic climate, Fort Lauderdale is anticipating booming rent growth of 17.3 percent year over year, with that number growing over the next five years. As a state, Florida has seen high in-migration patterns because of the pandemic and retiring baby boomers. The increase in population is anticipated […]

Pasadena Multifamily Market Report | Q3 2022
Multifamily Market Overview Pasadena, CA Pasadena has seen strong tenant demand in recent quarters. Sales activity has been strong because of three major acquisitions made by the California Statewide Communities Development Authority (CSCDA) and Waterford Property Company in order to convert communities into middle-income housing. Pasadena houses multiple research institutions and tech incubators, including the […]

Los Angeles, CA Multifamily Market Report | Q3 2022
Los Angeles Multifamily Market Report The Los Angeles multifamily market has improved greatly since the pandemic. Vacancies are trending down, rent is on a robust trajectory, and demand is strong. Gains are recognizable in almost all the Los Angeles metropolitan areas, and despite the rapid inflation, the economy possesses many positive attributes. It has yet […]

Biden Administration Announces Housing Supply Action Plan
Biden Administration Announces Housing Supply Action Plan The White House announced its progress in implementing the Housing Supply Action Plan last Friday, which outlines a set of administrative and legislative initiatives aimed at increasing the supply of housing across the country over the next five years. The plan includes creating more housing of all kinds, […]

Industrial Sale Leasebacks | Benefits of Unlocking Equity in Your Building
Benefits of Unlocking Equity in Your Building Do you currently operate a business out of the building you own? Have you considered refinancing your property to pull equity out of the real estate? Are you continually looking for effective tax strategies to reduce your tax exposure? Do you see your business expanding into additional locations […]

Matthews™ Top Insights | 2022
Top Articles of 2022 Explore the latest trends and popular insights within CRE to make informed investment decisions. We deliver cutting-edge market research reports and cover a multitude of property types and conditions across the U.S. to provide investors with important updates. Browse the top 10 articles of Q3 2022 below for specific market research […]

Multifamily Market Report | Huntington Beach | Q3 2022
Huntington Beach Market Overview Huntington Beach’s vacancy rate has remained relatively stable over the past year, averaging 2.0 percent. Developers were active in the area several years ago, however, in recent years, nothing has been delivered to the submarket. This has caused the supply to remain minimal since no current submarket developments are underway. Rents […]