
6 Sep 2024

Inside The Institutionalization of Industrial Outdoor Storage

Inside The Institutionalization of Industrial Outdoor Storage Appetite for outdoor storage product has soared, and institutional investors are behind the push in demand.   Industrial outdoor storage activity has soared in recent years. The product type has a limited supply, high-quality credit tenants and future development opportunities to a higher and better use. Plus, parking […]
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Results 55–59 of 59
28 Sep 2020

Cost Segregation: How to Improve Cash Flow

5 min read

Cost segregation, or 179 Deduction, is a strategic planning tool that can assess an entity’s real property assets and identifies a portion of those costs that can treated as personal property. By identifying personal property to be segregated from the building, the studies can reassign costs that would depreciate over a 39-year period to asset […]

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6 May 2020

Special Report | COVID-19 Impact on Self-Storage

5 min read

Amid recent events, self-storage is faring well with many experts deeming the sector recession-resistant. Starting from a strong position before the outbreak, many self-storage facilities experienced heightened demand, despite the stall in rent growth in primary markets due to over-supply. Proving to be less susceptible to COVID-19, self-storage is anticipated to be a leading sector […]

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29 Apr 2020

The COVID-19 Pandemic & How it Compares to the 2008 Financial Crisis

6 min read

The coronavirus pandemic has upended the commercial real estate economic outlook for 2020 with mass layoffs, decreases in consumption, and a downturn in economic activity. This unique and unprecedented period has the potential for 18 months of disruption, and many leading financial institutions predict a recession. Although many like to compare today’s economic troubles to […]

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10 Apr 2020

The Federal Reserve Adds $2.3 Trillion More in Loans Into Economy

3 min read

On April 9th, The Federal Reserve announced they will provide an additional $2.3 trillion in loans to support the economy. This funding will add additional assistance to households and employers of all sizes and bolster the ability of state and local governments to deliver critical services during the coronavirus pandemic. Here’s what was stated in […]

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5 Dec 2019

Healthcare Sale Leasebacks: Benefits to Unlocking Equity in Your Building

Do you currently own the building that your practice is operating within? Do you see yourself or your practice continuing to operate for the next 10 to 20 years? Have you considered refinancing your property to pull equity out of the real estate? Are you continually looking for effective tax strategies to reduce your tax […]

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Results 55–59 of 59