
6 Sep 2024

Inside The Institutionalization of Industrial Outdoor Storage

Inside The Institutionalization of Industrial Outdoor Storage Appetite for outdoor storage product has soared, and institutional investors are behind the push in demand.   Industrial outdoor storage activity has soared in recent years. The product type has a limited supply, high-quality credit tenants and future development opportunities to a higher and better use. Plus, parking […]
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Results 46–54 of 59
national economic statistic
27 Feb 2023

2023 Macro-Economic Update

Macro-Economic Outlook for 2023 As the Federal Reserve continues to increase interest rates in an effort to fight inflation, the U.S. is at risk of a mild recession for the 2023 fiscal year. This forecast is influenced by record-high inflation and the Fed’s more militant approach toward rates throughout the recent quarters. But as unemployment […]

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18 Jan 2023

Capital Markets | Market Report

Market Report | Capital Market Updates Sector Highlight: Multifamily Investment capital once again poured into the multifamily sector in Q3/Q4 as multifamily transaction activity topped the four major real estate sectors. Investors still see rent growth remaining above the long-term average despite the moderation in rents experienced so far in 2022. Furthermore, sales activity in […]

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30 Dec 2022

Weathering the Storm: Combatting Inflation with Technology

Combatting Inflation with Technology After more than a decade of sustained growth, many experts are warning that the economy is approaching a recession. Some even argue that the recession is already here. Either way, the rapid increase in inflation over the past year and subsequent interest rate hikes by the Federal Reserve has changed the […]

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14 Dec 2022

2023 Outlook for Commercial Real Estate Lending

Q&A | Matthews™ Capital Markets Experts As the economy recovered from COVID-19, the demand for commercial loans increased. Multifamily mortgage lending is seeing an increase in demand and record levels of capital. The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) projects commercial real estate and multifamily mortgage lending will break $1 trillion for the first time because of […]

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industrial sale leasebacks text
17 Oct 2022

Industrial Sale Leasebacks | Benefits of Unlocking Equity in Your Building

Benefits of Unlocking Equity in Your Building Do you currently operate a business out of the building you own? Have you considered refinancing your property to pull equity out of the real estate? Are you continually looking for effective tax strategies to reduce your tax exposure? Do you see your business expanding into additional locations […]

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3 Jun 2022

Your Capital Markets Update

Click here for the most recent capital markets report.   A Review of Capital Markets Performance in Q2 As the U.S. economy enters Q3 in the quasi-post-COVID-19 era, equity capital is the strongest it has been in close to a decade. Due to the overvaluation of the stock market, investors are seeking safer return potential […]

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7 Mar 2022

Shopping with Shrinkflation

5 min read

People are eating at home, now more than ever. According to an IRI survey, 82 percent of all meal occasions were at home as of January 2022, the highest number since February 2021. In fact, food and beverage sales reached $67 billion in January 2022, a 5.8 percent increase compared to January 2021. As a […]

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1 Oct 2021

How Pragmatism Will Get Your Financing Deal to the Finish Line

2 min read

  Matthews™ knows the key factors that ensure a real estate project will secure funding   Location, return profile and quality of sponsorship. Those are the three characteristics that can make or break every real estate financing deal, according to Jay Soave, First Vice President, capital markets division at Matthews Real Estate Investment Services—and he […]

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DFW- Capital Markets
8 Mar 2021

Market Report | Dallas-Fort Worth, TX | Capital Markets

5 min read

DFW Capital Markets Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) is ranked among the top areas in the U.S. to buy an investment property and is well-positioned to recover from the pandemic. While changes to specific commercial real estate sectors are still to be determined, demand for industrial, multifamily, and essential retail origination remain strong from a capital markets […]

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Results 46–54 of 59