Strategic Moves and Technology Transform Convenience Stores

NMHC Rent Collection Data Part 6
In recent weeks, we have released the National Multifamily Housing Council’s (NMHC) rent payment tracker data (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5) in an effort to keep investors informed. In this release, the data found that 90.8 percent of apartment households made full or partial payment by May 20th, 2020. […]

Investor Outlook: COVID-19 Survey Results
Click Here to Explore the Results As the news surrounding COVID-19 and the respective economic fallout evolves, we sent another survey to CRE professionals in our database to gather feedback on near-term investment expectations and overall investor sentiment. Here are our key findings: Though investors remain way, outlook improved regarding COVID-19’s impact Investors are increasingly […]

Special Report | Shopping Centers Adjust to the New Norm
Click here to download full report With the nation on the road to reopening, retailers are reflecting on the disruption created by COVID-19, an estimated $150 billion in sales was lost in April. Over the last two months, 75 percent of non-essential retail stores remained closed, and 1.3 million U.S. store employees were furloughed. The […]

Special Report | Coronavirus Impact on CRE Update Part 2
The United States economy has been in a near-total shut down for all of April, and many states are remaining in lockdown until the end of May or later. In the past six weeks, widespread business closures have left a lasting impression on the overall market, and initial claims for unemployment insurance have been sky-high […]

NMHC Rent Collection Data Part 4
In recent weeks, we have released the National Multifamily Housing Council’s (NMHC) rent payment tracker data (Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3) in an effort to keep investors informed. In the fourth release, the data found that 80.2 percent of apartment households made full or partial payment by May 6th, 2020. This equates to […]

Special Report | The Race to Reopen Retail
As we enter May, some of the largest U.S. retailers are itching to reopen after being forced to close for weeks by state mandates to curb the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, states including Georgia, South Carolina, and Texas are beginning to lift these mandates, and stores will soon be welcoming back customers under particular guidelines. It […]

Special Report | COVID-19 Impact on Self-Storage
Amid recent events, self-storage is faring well with many experts deeming the sector recession-resistant. Starting from a strong position before the outbreak, many self-storage facilities experienced heightened demand, despite the stall in rent growth in primary markets due to over-supply. Proving to be less susceptible to COVID-19, self-storage is anticipated to be a leading sector […]

Opening Up America Guidelines
The White House released guidelines based on expertise and advisement from public health officials to open America back up. The guidelines detail three phases highlighting the protocols employers and individuals should follow. Included in the guidelines are gating criteria, preparedness responsibilities, and proposed phase approach. Before a state can progress to the next phase, there […]

Landlords work with tenants to help add property value amid COVID-19
As we approach the first of a new month and the COVID-19 shut-down prolongs, many tenants and landlords are seeking creative solutions that allow both parties to remain viable. With the talks of opening up America, capacity levels will be limited and enforced, thus eliminating retailers from going back to pre-coronavirus business. In April, many […]