Strategic Moves and Technology Transform Convenience Stores

Reimagining the Office Space – The Impact of COVID-19
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE ARTICLE Businesses, schools, and society came to a sudden halt following the unprecedented arrival of COVID-19. To subdue the health crisis, corporations pushed their employees to work remotely, emptying offices across the country. With the obstacles of COVID-19 still apparent, many offices have yet to reopen, and some businesses are […]

Going Digital – The Explosive Growth in Data Centers
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE ARTICLE It is evident that technology has infiltrated almost every aspect of our daily lives, and now, more than ever, data needs to be processed, stored, and secured. While the workforce, student population, patients, and many more demographics stay home, the use of data-driven technology has exploded. The massive pressure […]

Painting the Multifamily Landscape – Apartments in a Post-COVID-19 World
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE ARTICLE Following the outbreak of COVID-19, state-mandated lockdowns swept the nation, preventing the majority of the population from leaving their residence. For nonessential retailers, this meant closing their stores. For multifamily owners, this meant restricting renter’s access to apartment amenities and services. The mounting unemployment, paired with downtown offices closing, […]

Shopping Centers – How the COVID-19 Consumer is Changing The Sector
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE ARTICLE While the decline in the physical retail store began before the arrival of COVID-19, the pandemic served as the final nail in the coffin to struggling retailers. Chains that were falling behind on consumer trends and preferences, like online shopping, saw depleting sales during nationwide lockdowns. It’s not all […]

What’s Next For Drugstores?
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE ARTICLE The widespread COVID-19 crisis pushed drugstores into the delivery and virtual space, accelerating the already-expanding industry. As people began staying home and prioritizing their health, drugstores were left to meet the demand while strategizing to become more health-conscious for both employees and customers. Within the first two weeks of […]

Location, Location, Location – How Los Angeles Became a Hotspot for Multifamily
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE ARTICLE Approximately four million people call Los Angeles home, making it the second-largest city in the United States. When adding together the small cities that make up Los Angeles County, the urban area totals more than ten million people. With the extensive and difficult construction process paired with the considerable […]

Market Report | Multifamily | Phoenix, AZ
CLICK HERE TO READ THE REPORT Market Overview Thus far, Phoenix’s multifamily market has proven to be resilient in the face of the pandemic, thanks to impressive market fundamentals. The stay-at-home orders in Q2 2020 resulted in pent-up demand and positive net absorption in Q3 2020 and Q4 2020. Although there is no definitive end […]

The Multifamily Market Report | What to Expect from Multifamily in 2021
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE REPORT Almost overnight, the pandemic catapulted the multifamily industry into uncharted waters. Multifamily has been forced to embrace technologies, virtual tours, and remote leasing while closely monitoring rent collections and vacancies. The full impact of COVID-19 is still uncertain, as the industry battles increasing vacancies and declining rents, which […]

The Gold Rush – Investor Interest in the Austin MSA
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE ARTICLE A Look at Austin’s Growing Economy With 120 to 150 people moving to Austin per day, it comes as no surprise that Austin has experienced over 25 percent growth in population since 2010 and is projected to reach 3.2 million in the next ten years. Austin’s booming tech industry, […]