
6 Sep 2024

Inside The Institutionalization of Industrial Outdoor Storage

Inside The Institutionalization of Industrial Outdoor Storage Appetite for outdoor storage product has soared, and institutional investors are behind the push in demand.   Industrial outdoor storage activity has soared in recent years. The product type has a limited supply, high-quality credit tenants and future development opportunities to a higher and better use. Plus, parking […]
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Results 1090–1098 of 1169
14 Apr 2020

NMHC Rent Collection Report

4 min read

With ongoing COVID-19 events affecting millions of Americans, unprecedented circumstances are following. So far, 16 million Americans have filed for unemployment, and 93 percent of the population has been mandated to shelter-in-place, affecting the 40 million renters in the United States. The multifamily industry is playing a large role by seeking federal relief for both […]

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13 Apr 2020

Special Report | Coronavirus Impact on Shopping Centers Update

7 min read

In recent years, shopping centers have combatted waned foot traffic and vacancies due to changing consumer shopping habits. Now, shopping centers are being forced to contend with another unwelcomed factor—COVID-19. Although the pandemic has already hit struggling retailers, some shopping centers are doing better than others, especially if they include a grocery store. As we […]

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13 Apr 2020

IRS provides guidance under the CARES Act to taxpayers with net operating losses

Last week the IRS issued guidance providing tax relief under the CARES Act for taxpayers with net operating losses. COVID Relief for taxpayers claiming NOLs Revenue Procedure 2020-24 (PDF) provides guidance to taxpayers with net operating losses that are carried back under the CARES Act by providing procedures for: waiving the carryback period in the case […]

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10 Apr 2020

The Federal Reserve Adds $2.3 Trillion More in Loans Into Economy

3 min read

On April 9th, The Federal Reserve announced they will provide an additional $2.3 trillion in loans to support the economy. This funding will add additional assistance to households and employers of all sizes and bolster the ability of state and local governments to deliver critical services during the coronavirus pandemic. Here’s what was stated in […]

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10 Apr 2020

Deadline Relief for 1031 Exchanges

1 min read

Last month, the IRS announced that the tax payment deadline was extended to July 15, 2020. On April 9th, the IRS released more guidance, Notice 2020-23, expanding on relief for additional returns, tax payments, and other actions for taxpayers affected by the coronavirus pandemic. The extensions now apply to all taxpayers that have a filing […]

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10 Apr 2020

Special Report | Coronavirus Impact on Industrial Update

6 min read

Prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, the industrial market and economy was strong. The industrial transaction market boosted positive momentum, demand outweighed supply, and vacancy rates were at the lowest levels. Overall transaction activity had been up 18 percent from the peak of the last cycle, but COVID-19 presents a new kind of disruption to the […]

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9 Apr 2020

Special Report | COVID-19 | CARES Act

3 min read

On March 27th, 2020 President Trump signed into law a historic $2 trillion stimulus package, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. This stimulus package will help jolt the sudden stop we’ve seen in economic activity in the U.S., reduce the risk of a larger decline in employment, and aid in a post-virus […]

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9 Apr 2020

Special Report | Coronavirus Impact on Multifamily Update

5 min read

Through most of the U.S. economic expansion, the apartment sector has been a favored asset class. Investors were excited about renter growth and millennial increases in urban locations, and as a result, investment in mid to high-rise properties surged. However, before the fears of the coronavirus pandemic took hold, the apartment deal activity in February […]

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8 Apr 2020

Special Report | Coronavirus Impact on Retail Update

5 min read

With COVID-19 presenting some new challenges to the evolving retail industry; Shopping centers, restaurants, grocers, and other retailers are taking action to prevent the spread of the outbreak. These actions include temporarily closing, adjusting store hours, offering curbside pick-up, and encouraging online shopping. Many CRE experts have shared their concerns to business flow and progress […]

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Results 1090–1098 of 1169