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The temporary eviction moratorium in California ended September 30th, 2021, but Los Angeles County has extended commercial tenant protection to January 2022 and residential protection in the City of Los Angeles to October 2022. This applies to financially burdened tenants due to the COVID-19 pandemic, though landlords can still evict tenants for other reasons, like criminal activity or property damage. Tenants have a year to make up the rent owed before landlords can evict.

The City of Los Angeles’ Declaration of Emergency is still in place until at least October 24, 2022 and will be renewed each month while the local pandemic emergency conditions persist. The latest possible date under California law is May 1, 2023.

The state of California has more than $5 billion in rental assistance for renters and landlords. The state and County of Los Angeles have partnered up for the application process. Tenants who applied for financial relief before September 30th will be protected until March 2022.

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