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Special Report | Coronavirus Impact on Shopping Centers Update

DATE April 13, 2020 / Author

In recent years, shopping centers have combatted waned foot traffic and vacancies due to changing consumer shopping habits. Now, shopping centers are being forced to contend with another unwelcomed factor—COVID-19. Although the pandemic has already hit struggling retailers, some shopping centers are doing better than others, especially if they include a grocery store. As we […]

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Special Report | COVID-19 | CARES Act

DATE April 9, 2020 / Author

On March 27th, 2020 President Trump signed into law a historic $2 trillion stimulus package, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. This stimulus package will help jolt the sudden stop we’ve seen in economic activity in the U.S., reduce the risk of a larger decline in employment, and aid in a post-virus […]

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Special Report | Coronavirus Impact on Retail Update

DATE April 8, 2020 / Author

With COVID-19 presenting some new challenges to the evolving retail industry; Shopping centers, restaurants, grocers, and other retailers are taking action to prevent the spread of the outbreak. These actions include temporarily closing, adjusting store hours, offering curbside pick-up, and encouraging online shopping. Many CRE experts have shared their concerns to business flow and progress […]

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Special Report | Tax Updates in CRE

DATE April 7, 2020 / Author

In a historic move during unprecedented times, due to the coronavirus outbreak, the federal government is taking action to reduce the impact on taxpayers. The Emergency Assistance Act instructed the Secretary of the Treasury “to provide relief from tax deadlines to Americans who have been adversely affected by the COVID-19 emergency, as appropriate, according to […]

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Special Report | Coronavirus Impact on CRE Update

DATE April 2, 2020 / Author

Events are quickly unfolding surrounding the COVID-19 outbreak, with a growing impact across the globe. As coronavirus pressures mount, firms have curtailed travel, schools have closed, and people are practicing social distancing. As a result, consumer spending has decreased as people stay home, thus causing a ripple effect throughout the economy and commercial real estate. […]

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Multifamily Rent Growth: Where are rents rising the most in the U.S?

DATE December 16, 2019 / Author

Since December 2018, rent appreciation has steadily increased, indicating this growth will not slow down any time soon. Key fundamentals such as higher national wages, job growth, and unemployment rates at a 50-year low have all contributed to the increasing popularity of renting, thus feeding into rental rate growth. Although majority of multifamily developments as […]

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2019 Multifamily Market Report: The current state of U.S. markets

DATE December 4, 2019 / Author

Overall, multifamily continues to excel amongst asset classes and is driven operationally by renter demand, which is fueled by a robust job market. New permitting and construction across the country are on a healthy path. It is important to note that the majority of the areas with weaker rents have been in the core Class […]

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Net Lease Cheat Sheets

DATE December 2, 2019 / Author

The net lease cheat sheets feature a compilation of data from 60+ major tenants in the net lease sector, providing insight into current on-market information including typical lease structures, investment values, and tenant future outlook ratings.

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The New Wave Of Urbanization

DATE August 8, 2019 / Author

Where there are people, there are opportunities. In this article, Matthews™ examines the top ten growing cities in the United States and how their economy is performing. These cities serve as living examples of how the U.S. economy reacts to population growth. For example, Los Angeles is well aware of the environmental impact its large population has. In […]

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