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Investor Outlook: COVID-19 Survey Results

DATE May 20, 2020 / Author

Click Here to Explore the Results  As the news surrounding COVID-19 and the respective economic fallout evolves, we sent another survey to CRE professionals in our database to gather feedback on near-term investment expectations and overall investor sentiment. Here are our key findings: Though investors remain way, outlook improved regarding COVID-19’s impact Investors are increasingly […]

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Special Report | Coronavirus Impact on CRE Update Part 2

DATE May 12, 2020 / Author

The United States economy has been in a near-total shut down for all of April, and many states are remaining in lockdown until the end of May or later. In the past six weeks, widespread business closures have left a lasting impression on the overall market, and initial claims for unemployment insurance have been sky-high […]

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The COVID-19 Pandemic & How it Compares to the 2008 Financial Crisis

DATE April 29, 2020 / Author

The coronavirus pandemic has upended the commercial real estate economic outlook for 2020 with mass layoffs, decreases in consumption, and a downturn in economic activity. This unique and unprecedented period has the potential for 18 months of disruption, and many leading financial institutions predict a recession. Although many like to compare today’s economic troubles to […]

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Investor Outlook: COVID-19 Survey Results

DATE April 24, 2020 / Author

COVID-19 has impacted and created uncertainty everywhere, including commercial real estate. To keep our clients as up-to-date as possible on on market news and investor insights, we conducted a survey involving our database of 96,000 CRE professionals to gather feedback, here’s our summary of the key findings.  Click Here to Explore the Results

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The House Passes Additional Stimulus Bill For Small Businesses

DATE April 23, 2020 / Author

On April 23rd, Congress passed a $484 billion bill, and on April 23rd the House voted to pass this ‘phase 3.5’ stimulus package. The Senate met earlier this week and voted in support of the bill unanimously, in which they believe provides additional support, is more effective and inclusive, and addresses urgent national priorities. The […]

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IRS provides guidance under the CARES Act to taxpayers with net operating losses

DATE April 13, 2020 / Author

Last week the IRS issued guidance providing tax relief under the CARES Act for taxpayers with net operating losses. COVID Relief for taxpayers claiming NOLs Revenue Procedure 2020-24 (PDF) provides guidance to taxpayers with net operating losses that are carried back under the CARES Act by providing procedures for: waiving the carryback period in the case […]

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Special Report | Coronavirus Impact on Industrial Update

DATE April 10, 2020 / Author

Prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, the industrial market and economy was strong. The industrial transaction market boosted positive momentum, demand outweighed supply, and vacancy rates were at the lowest levels. Overall transaction activity had been up 18 percent from the peak of the last cycle, but COVID-19 presents a new kind of disruption to the […]

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Special Report | COVID-19 | CARES Act

DATE April 9, 2020 / Author

On March 27th, 2020 President Trump signed into law a historic $2 trillion stimulus package, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. This stimulus package will help jolt the sudden stop we’ve seen in economic activity in the U.S., reduce the risk of a larger decline in employment, and aid in a post-virus […]

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Special Report | Coronavirus Impact on CRE Update

DATE April 2, 2020 / Author

Events are quickly unfolding surrounding the COVID-19 outbreak, with a growing impact across the globe. As coronavirus pressures mount, firms have curtailed travel, schools have closed, and people are practicing social distancing. As a result, consumer spending has decreased as people stay home, thus causing a ripple effect throughout the economy and commercial real estate. […]

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