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The Affordability Crisis: How Rent Control is Making Waves in Multifamily

DATE November 25, 2019 / Author

After World War II, the War Emergency Tenant Protection Act was created to protect tenants from war-related housing shortages serving as the first form of rent control. Since then, rent regulation policies have evolved with the intention to create more affordable housing options. The pros and cons of rent control have been long debated among […]

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The New Wave Of Urbanization

DATE August 8, 2019 / Author

Where there are people, there are opportunities. In this article, Matthews™ examines the top ten growing cities in the United States and how their economy is performing. These cities serve as living examples of how the U.S. economy reacts to population growth. For example, Los Angeles is well aware of the environmental impact its large population has. In […]

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Live. Work. Play. | How consumer preferences are shaking up retail

DATE August 6, 2019 / Author

We are seeing yesterday’s shopping centers morphing into experience-based, consumer engaged spaces. These shopping center spaces are transforming into mixed-use commercial offerings that are designed to meet the needs of new generational shoppers. These consumers want to shop in environments that focus on live, work, play, and convenience. This has caused developers to think about: […]

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Reinventing the Past: An In-Depth Look Into Adaptive Reuse | Infographic

DATE July 12, 2019 / Author

Adaptive reuse projects entail a dated or abandoned area transforming into modern multi-use property, more commonly multifamily assets. These projects have grown increasingly popular due to the demand for unique lifestyle apartments and saving on construction costs. Click on the infographic below to read more about the benefits and examples of adaptive reuse projects.

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Rent Control Bill in California Moves Forward to Senate

DATE July 12, 2019 / Author

On July 9th, an assembly bill (AB-142) allowing statewide rent control and “just cause” eviction policies until 2023, was passed in the Senate Judiciary Committee. Here’s what we know about the bill so far: · Annual rent increases would cap at 7% plus the consumer price index  · Landlords will only be allowed to evict […]

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Growth and Future of Multifamily in Central Los Angeles | Infographic

DATE April 22, 2019 / Author

Currently, multifamily real estate in Los Angeles is a safe investment. Back in 2009, it was a different story – $170 million in inventory was traded compared to $900 million in 2007. Many families that had left Central Los Angeles during that time but came back after the Federal Reserve dropped interest rates, this time […]

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Reinventing the Past: An in-depth look into adaptive reuse

DATE April 4, 2019 / Author

The apartment market is booming across the United States. From the construction of new developments to the renovation of older buildings in prime locations, the evolution of apartments is rapidly underway. We are in the golden age of adaptive reuse. The increasing effort to re-develop forgotten or neglected areas is transforming neighborhoods where vacancy and […]

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The Growth and Future of Multifamily in Central Los Angeles

DATE April 2, 2019 / Author

Los Angles, also know as the City of Angels, is home to iconic celebrities, perfect wealth, and some of the highest rental rates in the United States. Having the fourth highest share of renters in the country, the Los Angeles Metro Area averages a rental rate of almost 54 percent. That seems high, but in […]

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The Impact of Rising Interest Rates on Multifamily in Los Angeles

DATE December 11, 2018 / Author

As interest rates begin to normalize, multifamily investors should consider the effect a higher interest rate environment may have on their portfolio. More importantly, investors can take proactive steps to better position themselves for this coming change. The following article highlights the effects on multifamily and how investors can re-structure their investments to withstand the […]

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